Article 1
(Name, offices, delegations and centres)
- International Institute of Macau, hereby called IIM, is a non-governmental organisation, with a nature of private right collective person, with an associative and non-profit character, pursuing academic, scientific, social and cultural purposes.
- IIM has its offices in Rua de Berlim, 2, Macau. The offices can be moved to another place in Macau, following a decision taken by the General Assembly.
- IIM can establish cooperation protocols with public services and academic and scientific organisms and associate to other institutions with similar purposes.
- IIM can constitute delegations and study and investigation centres, as dependent organisms.
Article 2
- IIM has as nuclear vocation and purpose, to deepen and update the cultural factors of Macau's identity, in the superior consideration that the synthesis created in the intercultural dialogue are Macau's timeless constant, motivating the exchange between the communities that inhabit the territory, promoting harmony, solidarity and each particular way of life of its populations, stimulating the rising of the cultural, civic and professional level of the new generations, looking towards the social-economic development and the cultural, academic and scientific affirmation of Macau, projecting it to the new globalization scenario as a modern metropole where humanities, technologies and knowledge mingle.
- In order to follow the above mentioned, IIM will promote activities that agree with those purposes, such as:
- Perform and support studies and research works in interest areas to the modernisation and qualification of the territory and to the update and conscience of its identity factors;
- To promote and support actions and initiatives that contribute to the knowledge and promotion of the cultural roots of the communities living in the territory, and the heritage values of the city;
- To organise conferences, seminars, lectures, short-term courses and similar activities;
- Edit, co-edit and associate to the publishing of books, magazines, newsletters, records and other computer and media material;
- Stimulate and promote actions that reinforce the development and the social and economical qualification, particularly, actions that dedicate deeply to the introduction of modernity and creativity in the academic, cultural, social and professional activities;
- Promote exchange and widen the contact and cooperation network with international organisms and outside institutions whose goals are similar to those of IIM;
- Promote a good coordination with all the associative organisms of the Macanese Diaspora.
Article 3
(Statutes and Regulations)
IIM shall be guided by the current statutes and by internal regulations that might be adopted in the exercise of the statutory competences.
Article 4
(Associates' categories)
- May be associated to IIM, singular and collective persons, in the category of founding, adherent, extraordinary and honorary associates.
- Are founding associates, the subscribers of the IIM's constitution scripture and the first twenty five singular persons that associate to it.
- Are adherent associates, those to whom the Board of Directors has given such category, by request of the one interested.
- Are extraordinary associates, all collective person inscribed in IIM.
- Are honorary associates, every singular or collective person to whom the General Assembly, under proposal of the Board of Directors, should attribute such an honorific quality, based on their technical or scientifical works, related to IIM's mission or by relevant services or cooperation paid to IIM.
Article 5
- The rights of the founding, adherent and extraordinary associates are:
- To take part and vote in the General Assemblies;
- To elect and be elected to the statutory bodies;
- To request, under statutory terms, the calling of extraordinary general assemblies;
- To request to the associative organisms, the information and help that may be felt convenient about IIM's activity and to be informed of the results of the developed works;
- To use, under the regulated terms, the services that IIM might make available;
- To have preference in the use of the IIM's investigation and study services and in the access to the results, at least, in the statutory terms.
Article 6
The duties of the founding, adherent and extraordinary members are the following:
- To follow the statutory and regulated obligations, as well as the deliberations of the General Assembly;
- To pay the quotas established by the General Assembly;
- To accept the positions for which they are elected and to perform the associative tasks that are trusted to them;
- To cooperate in the activities promoted by the IIM.
Article 7
(Extraordinary Associates)
The extraordinary associates designate their representative to take part in the General Assemblies and any other of IIM's meetings, through written document.
Article 8
(Honorary Associates)
The honorary associates are not obliged to pay quotas and do not have the right to vote in the General Assemblies.
Article 9
(Loss of the Associate Quality)
They lose the Associate Quality:
- Those who, in written form, request to the competent organism;
- Those who, by their conduct, contribute or concur to the IIM's bad reputation, infamy or injury;
- Those who repeatedly disrespect their statutory and regulated duties or disobey the IIM's statutory members' legally taken deliberations.
Article 10
- The excluson of the associates is always determined by the General Assembly, by its own initiative or Board of Director's proposal, and it shall only be valid, when regarding founding members, if two thirds of the votes in the General Assembly are approving.
- In case of volontary resignement, the member should inform its decision to the Board of Directors, in written form.
Article 11
- The associates can incur in the application of the following disciplinary sanctions:
- Exclusion for non-accomplishment of their duties;
- Censorship;
- Suspension of the associative rights up to one year.
- The Board of Directors has the obligation to apply the sanctions referred in b) and c).
- The application of disciplinary sanctions is invariably preceded by a disciplinary process, in which a hearing of the member or a representative is granted.
- Following the application of one of the disciplinary sanctions foreseen in b) and c) of the first number of the present article, an appeal can take place in the first General Assembly gathered after the sanction application notice to the referred person.
Common dispositions
Article 12
- Are IIM's Bodies:
- The General Assembly;
- The Board of Directors;
- The Fiscal Committee.
- The members of the associative bodies are elected for two year terms, and reelection is possible once or more.
- The inauguration of the associative bodies is performed by the president of the General Assembly.
General Assembly
Article 13
(Constitution and functioning of the General Assembly)
The General Assembly is constituted by all the founding, adherent and extraordinary members with all their associate rights and their deliberations are soberan, having as only limit, the imperative impositions of the law and the corrent statutes.
Article 14
(Table of the General Assembly)
- The General Assembly is directed by a Table composed of a president, a vice-president and a secretary.
- The president of the table directs the work of the General Assembly, and is substituted by the vice-president, in its absences and impediments.
Article 15
- The General Assembly meets in ordinary or extraordinary sessions.
- The General Assembly meets annually in an ordinary session, to discuss and vote the accountancy report and the Fiscal Committee report, that regard the exercise of the year before.
- The General Assembly meets extraordinarily at any convocation of the Table, by its president or by request of at least ten associates, the Board of Directors or the Fiscal Committee.
- The convocation for the General Assembly must be made with a fifteen days notice, through notice sento to all the associates, to their mail or e-mail box.
Article 16
- Each member disposes of one vote.
- An associate can be represented by another associate, through a written communication to the president of the Table.
- The decisions by the General Assembly, except the cases foreseen in the law or in the present statutes, are taken by majority of the counted votes.
- In case of tie, the president of the Table has a quality vote.
Article 17
The General Assembly can only decide if half of its associates or representatives are present, in the designated hour of its convocatio; half an hour later, it can deecide with any present associates.
Article 18
It is a competence of the General Assembly:
- To elect the Table of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Committee;
- To evaluate and vote the reports and accounts, after the Fiscal Committee's report is evaluated;
- To evaluate and vote the IIM's general activities' plans;
- To deliberate over the exclusion of associates;
- To grant the quality of honorary member;
- To change or reform the current statutes; and
- To decide over the dissolution of IIM and in this case, to decide over what to do with its possessions;
Board of Direction
Article 19
- The Board of Directors is an associative organism that ensures the IIM's representation and management, and it is composed of one president, one vice-president and three vowels.
- At least two members of the Board orf Directors must be elected from among the founding associates.
- It is the president of the Board of Directors' competence to represent and direct and the basic management of IIM, and also the distribution of representative or executive functions to the other members of the Board, and the practise of any urgent management acts that might not be taken to the Board consideration, being thus subject to further ratification.
- Whenever ther are vacancies in the Board of Direction, these will be filled in General Assembly's session, convoqued qith this purpose.
Article 20
- The Board of Directors must gather at least once a month.
- The decisions of the Board are taken by majority of the members who are present, and the president has a quality vote.
Article 21
- It is a Board of Directors' responsibility to perform all the necessary powers to the good management of IIM and especially as follows:
- To prepare the general activities' plan;
- To prepare and see the budget follow;
- To prepare the annual account report of the exercise to be presented to the General Assembly;
- To manage the IIM's assets and its activity, being able, to that effect, to hire staff and cooperators, deciding about the work conditions and applying disciplinary procedures, if applicable;
- To decide over the directoin of the research works, editions and IIM's involvement in the outside;
- To produce internal regulations;
- To decide about the creation and attribution of medals and other IIM's awards and distinctions, except that of honorary member;
- To represent the IIM, decisions and other, active and passively;
- To admit new members;
- To request the convocation of the General Assembly;
- To alienate IIM's assets according to the decisions of the General Assembly; and to perform any other attribution written on the law or the statutes.
- IIM is obliged by joint signatures of two members of the Board of Directors, being that one of them is that of the president or the vice-president. However, any of these two can delegate on a representative with special powers for certain actions or sort of actions.
- The merely bureaucratic actions are to be performed by the President of the Board or a delegate.
Fiscal Committee
Article 22
(Compositio and responsibilities)
- The Fiscal Committee is composed of a president, a secretary and one vowel.
- It is a responsibility of the Fiscal Committee to audit the management actions, to examin the accounts and the IIM's accountancy and treasury books and to present the annual report to the General Assembly.
Article 23
Following its purposes, IIM acts on its own, on its associates or a third party that might recur to its services, and in these two last options, according to agreed, contracted or regulated conditions.
Article 24
(Contracts, convenes and protocols)
The contracts, convenes or protocols celebrated by IIM with associates or third parties are in a written form and must respect the legal, statutory and regulated dispositions applicable.
Article 25
(Disciplinary procedures)
IIM's staff, whatever the nature of its attachment, is subject to IIM's disciplinary power, for as long as IIM keeps an effective direction over the employee.
Article 26
(Profits and expenses)
IIM's expenses shall be supported by its ordinary profits such as:
- Members quotas;
- Income from assets or services paid;
- Subsidies granted to IIM;
- Any other profit, such as donations, legacies or other, accepted by the IIM.
Article 27
It is IIM's propriety, all the mobiliary and immobiliary assets, as well as the financial values invested as source of income.
Article 29
(Changing the Statutes)
- The current statutes can only be changed in an extraordinary General Assembly, specially convoked with that purpose.
- The above mentioned General Assembly must meet in the form previewed in article 17.
- The General Assembly's decisions over changes of the statutes shall be valid only if taken by a qualified majority of two thirds of the number of present associates, or duly represented.
Article 30
- IIM can be dissolved through a positive deliberation of a General Assembly expressly convoked with that purpose.
- To the matter of the dissolution, is appliccable what is written on the article 29.
- After decided the dissolution of IIM, the General Assembly must immediately nominate the liquidational committee, define its statute and indicate the follow up of the liquid assets, if any.
Article 31
(Instalation Committee)
- The Statutory Bodies must be elected in a term of six months after the constitution of IIM.
- In the first six months after the constitution of IIM, it shall be directed by an Instalation Committee, composed of three founding members, one of which should be the president and the other two, vowels, all elected in a founding member meeting to be held in a term of fifteen days after the constitution of IIM.